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Anyone recommend a sump pump?


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Given that most pumps overrate their flow rate, the 1000 lph might be 800 lph at best (with zero head).

Assuming you have around 1m head (distance between the sump water level and DT water level), this will reduce your available flow rate down to around 400 lph.

That's ignoring that max head is usually overstated as well.

So now you've got 2x turnover for your sump. That's really on the low end of desirable tank turnover.

If you're trying to go cheap as possible and don't mind getting stung once or twice if a pump is crap, you could try http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/fish/pumps-filters/auction-731650201.htm. Isn't much more than the one you listed, and should give you 4-6x turnover. Can't vouch for it though.

I have http://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/fish/pumps-filters/auction-729464258.htm and it really kicks out the flow with no head, haven't tried it with 1m of head. It's noisy though, and you'll find this with all cheap pumps.

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If you put your ear right up to the glass, it is probably as loud as someone talking normally.

From more than 1 meter away it's probably as loud as someone constantly quietly humming. For some that may be quiet but for me it is near my thresh hold!

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That's great to hear.

How are you finding the humming of the pump? You can put the pump on a sponge or a neoprene mat (neoprene is what wet suits are made of, you can grab really cheap tablet cases which are made of neoprene) to put under the pump to quieten it down.

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