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Disease? Lost big Giraffe this morning


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My Giraffe cichlid died this morning. He is about 3 years old. Around 20CM.

In the past few weeks until yesterday VERY healthy and active. Same as other cichlids in the display tank.

Suddenly this morning I found him laying dead at the bottom of display tank. :tears: :tears: :tears:

I suspected was kill by big boss front... As he killed 4 other male fronts already...

But when I took him out there is no wound on the body or tail or fin... NO sign of attack.

But I noticed some unusual white color map shape marks on his face. His body is dark blue color for some reason....Poisoned :facepalm: ?

Do I need to worried about other cichlids in the same tank? A massive water change? (havent done water change for a week, I normally do water every second week). I havent added any new fish into the tank for several months. There are about 30 other tanks mates in the display tank. Size range from 10cm to 25CM... Feed on NLS only.

Anyone any idea? How to treat? Thanks in advance, much appreciated :hail::bow: !....




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Nothing there suspicious that I can see, fish usually change color when they die, darker or light. Don't know what the white patches might be but I don't know that they're suspicious.

So, heart attack, stroke, embolism, drowning...Who knows? Could try and do a necropsy.

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