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New Life Spectrum Small Fry Starter - free small tub


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I have a small 50g tub of small fry starter, it is opened but I have only used no more than 1/4 teaspoon, if that.

I bought a few months ago but the expiry date is Dec 2013.

Thought it would be good for guppy fry but it's too fine and they are just as happy to eat decaps.

As it is close to expiry date (should still be good tho) and many members on here have helped me out with advice and the odd plant or fishy item I am giving it away to first taker. It normally retails for $19.40

All you have to do is pick it up in wattle downs (manurewa/auckland) ... or send me a postbag and I'll get it in the post for you.

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I can't imagine NLS ever expiring but yeah guess there is an end to everything.

I have same issue. A tub of fry starter where I have used a microscopic amount and now expired.

Perhaps you could mix with water, make a paste, spread over baking paper or similar, wait until dry and break it up to feed to larger fish?

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Perhaps you could mix with water, make a paste, spread over baking paper or similar, wait until dry and break it up to feed to larger fish?

that sounds like a clever idea..

if no one wants the tub I'll give it a go and let you know how it works out.

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