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powerheads vs ???


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Even though I have 5 pumps and a twin overflow outlet on my tank I am still not completely happy with the water movement. 3 pumps are "Hagen 802" powerheads and 2 are just ordinary pond pumps. the Tank is 1500X800x700, Marine.

My question is are these Hagens sufficiently powerful, is there sufficent pumps in the tank and should I dump the pond pumps and put in additional powerheads.

If additional powerheads what size please.

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Hard to know without knowing what coral you want to keep. Anyone who has seen my tank knows my Acropora are doing really well, I have sufficient current but its not a washing machine. I am also keeping LPS corals (hammers, bubbles, torch) etc with great success. I think if I added more current the SPS (acro, monti) would probably benift, but at the detriment of the LPS.

If what you have is healthy and doing well, then probably avoiding having hands in the tank and tinkering is more important that more current. Also you want the tank to look like a tank, not a powerhead farm.

TUNZE STREAMS - There is a reason why they are so popular. Perhapps adding 1 or 2 of these and removing the rest is a better option. You can control their power (so they scale to larger projects down the line :), and the consume little power and its a good (lamainar) flow for the tank. They are expensive but easy to endorse.

More is not always better, but it is always more.


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