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black algae


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I have little clumps of black algae growing in my community tank :(

It is on the plants the glass the wood even on the filter. Does anyone have any idea how to get rid of it? I guess it is caused by over feeding which I am prone to do every time my fish have babies but this stuff is driving me mad. I took one of the tank ornaments out of the tank yesterday and scrubbed it within an inch of its life to try and remove these little clumps but as soon as I put it back in the water there they were swaying in the breeze :-?

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It is extrememly hard to get off most surfaces, i found a scrubbing brush wont remove it. I'm using flourish excel, double strength, daily doses. I've been dosing for 3 weeks, hardly using lights as that promotes it. I have it in 3 tanks and have been through 2 250ml bottles and just got a 500ml bottle. Kills all the plants by covering the leaves and is the most annoying thing i've come across and other than stopping feeding to get excess phosphate etc down Flourish Excel is the only answer.

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What type of lights do you have and howe old are they?

try to use the purple flurensend light (this stimulates plant growht) if you have theme your brown alge shut be taken over by green alge that most alge eaters will eat.

If you have the purple light and they are more than 1/1.5 years old than the spectrum of light has gone and they are just like normal lights and not doing there job. Try to find more purmenent salutions more than kwik one's if you don't find the problem it just comes back.

In sted of cleaning your rocks ore wood boil theme fore 2 min let it cool down and put it back in your tank and your fish do the cleaning fore you

(they love cookt alge)


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If it is black beard algae (which it sounds like) it is caused by too much phosphate. Excell is suppost to work, but I cant see any point treating the symptom unless you fix the cause, you will just be wasting your money.

Suggest you reduce your feeding, over feeding doesn't doesnt do your fish any good, and is proberly very bad for your babies cause they will be swimming in poluted water and rotting food.

If you still have a problem after a week or two of reduced feeding buy a bag of phos-sorb or similar, will last about 3 months for $25.

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