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Suphew's Tank


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Went to Suphews place last night and took my camera, shame I didn't take a little more time as this is really the only photo worth showing:


The tank is my old LF&Frag tank. Single corner overflow, 980lx600hx400w, was made at the same time as IRAs tank, same dimentions but 1 foot shorter.

Its really starting to look nice and is doing well. It was sold with the sandbed in tact and its bristleing with life, with copepods & mysiids visible in the main tank.


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We are not sure. It has 1 stripe, black pectoral fins. Some sort of 'tomato clow' which only narrows it down slightly...

Currently there is: 1x clown, 1x bi-color blenny, 3x pajama cardinals.

He plans to add cleaner shrimp, tang (purple/kole), 6line and clown mate.


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Thanks for posting the pic pies. Added 3 x cleaner shrimp, purple tang, six line, and clown mate. All doing well. Was a bit worried about the huge jump in stock, but I have been looking for these fish for a while and due to lack of shops in Wlg it pays to grab stuff when I can. (I have been waiting for the only supplier in Wlg to get any(!) fish in for over a month, let alone stuff I actually want).

The clown is a Amphiprion Melanopus, very much like a tomato but with black pec fins, commonly called fire or black clown.

The purple tang is stunning, I put him in the tank, he looked left, looked right, then started chowing down on my algae, hasn't stopped, got a big fat belly now.

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