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Baby Clowns...


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Hi again i've just recently purchased a matting pair of common clowns, now two nights ago they spawned i was hopping the shift would have deterred them from spawning so quickly but not so.

Now i know people in the past have posted regarding food and rotifiers feed up on algae seem to be the best source of food, i dont have any rotifiers at the mo and would like to try something to keep these fry when they hatch. I've heard of people using egg yoke as a first food, has anyone heard or know of anyone that has tried this, or maybe someone can suggest something else that maybe of some success?



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I'm guessing you have no powerheads or electrical filters in the tank, if you do you will have to move the eggs to an air driven system. Otherwise you will have mushed clownsfish during there planktonic larvae stage.

You could try importing some golden pearls both sizes from overseas, many ppl have had success at rearing marines with this product.


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  • 5 weeks later...


if they spawn again - TMC in the UK have their own hatchery and are commercially breeding loads of species - im sure they would be happy to advise. They have a website - hang on.......


there u go - they may even have articles, but there is a contact link and they are usually responsive and helpful.

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