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species of corydoras


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Cories that I have in my tanks:

C. barbatus (Bearded cory - since the males develop stubble)

C. pygmaeus (Pygmy cory)

C. melini (Diagonal stripe cory)

C. nanus

C. napoensis (Rio Napo cory?)

C. elegans (Elegant cory)

C. robinae (Flagtail cory)

C. trilineatus (3-lined cory, most fish sold as julii are actually this species)

C. sterbai (gets sold as Golden leopard)

C. sodalis (network cory)

C. melanistius

C. burgessi (Burgess' cory)

C. schwartzi (schwartz's cory)

C. axelrodi (Axelrod's cory)

C. caudimaculatus (Tail spot cory)

Others that I know are available or have been available in NZ:

C. panda (Panda cory)

C. aeneus (Bronze cory, albino cory is usually this species as well)

C. paleatus (Peppered cory)

C. hastutus (Dwarf cory)

C. reticulatus (Reticulated cory)

C. adolphi

C. rabauti

C. davidsandi (David Sand's cory)

C. metae (Bandit cory)

C. arcuatus (Skunk cory)

(list edited to include common names)

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impressive list of corys you have there! Will take me a while to search for their common names! Were did you get hold of so many different ones?

Apart from the odd few that have aquired common names (Peppered etc).. then most of the Corys are called by their scientific name.


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I've edited the list to include the common names that I know.

I've accumulated them over a number of years just through shops (the C.nanus was the only one that I got from a breeder - that was during a club trip - unfortunately the breeder had to leave the hobby due to poor health).

The ones that I have a particular liking for are the Flagtail cory and also Sterba's cory a.k.a golden leopard.

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