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culturing whiteworms


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can anyone tell me which plotting mix to use for culturing whiteworms?

i end up having a very dry and uneven plotting mix in a takeaway container, thus not a successful attempt.

can someone whom has done this before help me out with the type of plotting mix to use? and where to get them from?

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It is potting mix, and just get plain garden peat which hasn't had anything added to it in the way of mould inhibitors, weed killers etc. I suspect your problem is more the size and depth of your container. Use something bigger and deeper. Many people keep their whiteworms in 2L ice cream containers

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Now....this really interests me...my daughter has been on at me to...errr....do something about "brine shrimp" and i have read here before people talking about "cultures" and "white worms" . Please help this old thicko out...i asked at the pet shop the other day (and came home with 5 more fish...that is IT...the tank is full :( new tank please) ....and they asked me what I was on about.....lol...and as I didn't actually KNOW what I was on about, I couldn't tell them. Any information about this will be gratefully recieved...or any hints about where to look on this site (as I know I have read about this before, but can't remember where) .....

I want to know....what is involved....i.e. how to/how long/the nutrients it provides/which fish (all fish?) enjoy this in their diet/is it solely used to condition fish for breeding or just as a protein supplement....or for some REAL food instead of that flakey stuff/ and where to get the 'culture' (?) from...what quantity lasts for how long etc (my daughter saw some brine shrimp stuff for sale on trademe for $100 and said they had only used a few teaspoons (????) Sorry to be so thick but it would be such cool fun to grow something nutritious and yummy for our fishies. Thanks in advance.

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Shels, go to the top line where it says "Index" on the left and "logout" on the right.

Halfway between is "SEARCH".

Click on that, and when the page shows,

type in whiteworms in the top slot, enter, and wait.

Now read your heart out.

Do the same with microworms, and brineshrimp.

The areas are loaded with reading and information.

Alan 104

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Thanks Alan :oops: (I never thought of that)....that will make navigating this place so much easier :roll: and thank you for not laughing :lol: so much appreciate the shove in the right direction...so much to learn and i want to know all of it NOW :) Cheers

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Hi Shiuh,

I use organic compost rather than potting mix, its a bit chunkier than potting mix so doesn't get as damp and compact down as quickly. You want your mix to be quite dry (about the same as you would keep a plant or even a little less). I keep mine in an old 2 foot tank with UGF plate in the bottom to allow air to circulate and keep the mix a bit dryer. I keep them upstairs in a very warm room, in mid summer I did need to 'water' them a couple of times, but for the rest of the year the wet bread I put in to feed them keeps the mix damp enough.

Oh I use organic cause it doesn't have anything added to it like pesticides etc. Most plant shops sell it.

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