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Kribensis - what can I put with them??


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Hi people

I am fairly new to this fishkeeping business and in particular, new to actually following it as a hobby rather than just throwing some fish into a tank.

I have a 160 litre tank which I have Kribensis in along with several other one off's - various species. Getting a bigger tank on the weekend so will be moving some of the inhabitants around a bit. Not sure whether to leave everything except the Kribensis as is and move them to the bigger tank to create a cichlid set up?? There are about 10 adult Krib's with some couples carefully parenting fairly new babies (dont know how old - about 10mm length) Total numbers around 30 I think. These are a recent aqcuisition and I am guessing my way in terms of care at this point so any helpful advice welcomed.

My real question is I would like to put these guys into a bigger tank with mix of other cichlids therefore, what species will be appropriate (ie: same origins and hopefully, not totally at war with one another) Some of the Krib's are quite large (70-80mm) so can I introduce other fish that are small as in what you buy at most lfs?

I am in Tauranga so limited to what fish are available locally as well but happy to look at shipping from elsewhere to get the right mix. I like the idea of a Malawi tank but will work with these Kribs now that I have them.

Thanks in advance


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You haven't mentioned how big the new tank is, but if it's not that big you could go with some other small dwarf cichlids like kribs. Otherwise most SA/CA cichlids should be fine. Severums would be good if it's a 300L or bigger tank. Of course plecs, bristlenoses etc will be fine. The big thing is having a lot of cover.

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Thanks Ira

Sorry - should have said the new tank is a Jebo R390 so 200 litre so too small for severums. I would like to try and keep with fish from same origins if possible but Im thinking my choices might be too limited.

I will have a look at the various dwarf ones and see what is available, etc.

Cover by way or rocks, etc definitely part of the plan

Appreciate the response.

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