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plants in my tank.


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hello everybody,

yesterday i put in the electric part in my tank. (lights, filter and heating)

i put in 2 tl lights 36 watt from philips collor numbers are tl-d/830 for the front and tl-d/840 for the back. for heating i have newatt 150 watt. my filter is a aqua-pro2 from superfish and pomps 800 l/h. my tank is 200 liters.

today i put in the plants and the tank is looking realy great now. on the bottom i have sand (light brown) and from bleu sandstone (rock solid) i made some platforms and filed tem up with gravel. the plants that i put in are :

anubias nana

lilaeopsis brasiliensis

lobelia cardinalis

echinodorus (2 kinds)

vallisneria spiralis

microsorium pteropus


ceratoppteris thalictroides

on the back i have still a gape left but that i am gonna fill up if i can find a nice plant outside my town coz all the nice ones i allready bought in my town :lol: to bad i dont have i digital camara outherwise i put a picture in this message. :x

i hardly cant wait to put fish in my tank but i gonna wait two weeks before i put fish in the fish i want to put in are :

6 pearl gourami's

10 rasbora heteromorpha

10 barbus titteya

6 corydoras (dont know what kind, many nice ones there are)

3 otocinclus affinis

so thats it for now, when i put my fish in i will place an other message.

cya all, greetings from lorenzo :wink:

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HI Lorenzo.

Cant wait to see the pics. I see from your post the lights you are 830 and 840. Now i might be wrong but... I think you may need to get some higher "energy" lights. Lighting is a science all on its own but I do kno that the tubes i got over here (NZ) all start with "9" Eg i use Osram Biolux Tubes 965. ( they are 2x - 3x the price of your average "cool white")

But see how you go, If you notice any problems with you plants it could be something worth considering...

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hay driverjohn,

i have a friend who is have aquariums for a long time and he gave me the numbers for the tl light. he is using them too only more coz his tank is taller and has no problems with it, but i will see how it goes...

i made picturs with a normal cammera so when they are developed i will place them here! i am gonna make pictures every 2 weeks so you can see the progres...

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  • 2 weeks later...


Just make sure you dont put all your fish in at the same time just do a couple at the time. Other whise your whaste levels are gone be sky rocketing and your bactieria can't keep up. Example put first you rasbora's in let the thank going for a week get your water testet fore amonia,nitrite and nitrate if this is fine put some more fish in and do the same thing again. I have read that you ask't if you can put more than one male in your tank yes you cane even if the are close related to the siamese figther they are not as aggresif against other male's but make sure you have more female's than male's the male's can chace the female to here grave if he whants to mate. If you have more female's thay cane thake turn's.

frome scalare

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