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Black Beard Alge help please


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Hi I have this in one tank its rampant, but ive usually always cleaned it off

Stupid me didnt treat it when I should of

Its started in my other tanks but is only minimual

Will this help get rid of it

API Algaefix

One tank has it all over my plants do I have to throw them out??? or cut them back?

I use to just trim the bad ones

I can clean it off the filters etc I was gonna get a good sized bottle of that API and use that ideas please

Thank you

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Possibly. I know Flourish Excel is used to treat blackbeard though. I'd try manually removing as much as you can and trimming the worst affected areas of the plants and then using Flourish Excel (must be the Excel one). Not many fish eat blackbeard but there are one or two IIRC

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I don't think the API will help.

Flourish excel works but can be an expensive affair (you overdose with co2, ask e.g. hollywoods for help on this)

You can also get yourself a Siamese Algae Eater (SAE) or two.. they are quite good at keep bba down.

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