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German Blue and Electric Blue Rams


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Electric blue are just a colour morph of a standard blue (or german blue) ram so the offspring should be viable, and unless the standard ram carries the electric blue genes (ie it is also an electric blue X) most or all of the offspring will be normal. If you breed offspring between each other you will get a split, or breed offspring back to the electric blue parent to get a larger split.

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They're probably not going to be either as you've crossed two different strains. The fry will most likely vary with some looking more like one parent than the other and some looking like a mix. Should be interesting, but you've got to do a lot more than cross a couple of different fish to create a new colour strain/morph. You're probably on the right track though, I'd hang onto the fry and grow them out to a decent size to see what they turn out like, and pick the best/most interesting if you want to continue breeding a new strain. Probably the best thing to do if you get some that are pretty close to the electric blue strain is cross them back with another electric blue (not their parent) to add a bit of genetic diversity to the strain.

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