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Kuhli Loach?


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Hi guys, I have a tank I would like to have these in, and I am wondering if they can fit through filter holes of about 3mm or under. also, this is not a planted tank and the gravel is only 1.5cm - 3cm high, will they burrow in this? I am fine if they burrow but just want to know in advance to getting them. the tank is 50l

Thanks, Sam

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When I had my first tank my Kuhli loaches regularly went up the filter, through the intake and out the holes in the spray bar. (AR380) I would find them in the media , looking scratched but still alive. I never had any die from their adventure but i did check the filter every day.

Then I realised I needed to put the intake pipe higher, not so close to the gravel where they can swim into it... this lessened it but still happened. Now I put a mesh over the intake, it means having to unclog it from debris , plants bits every so often but at least the inquisitive kuhli are now safe.

Kuhlis are cool, one of my favourite. Get at least 3 but 5 or more if you can. They are happier in groups and come out more.

They will burrow in the gravel but mine tend to hide out under pieces of driftwood. They burrow into the gravel at feeding time to get the bits that have floated down from the other fish.

Here's one of my kuhli after he went up o the filter... ajust a bit scratched, stress coat and a little salt in the water is all he needed to heal.


a couple of my other kuhli



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