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The myysterious Elephant Nose Fish


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its unusual, its mysterious..and its electron charged...

will this fish live in peace and harmony in a 45 Gall tank with 2 juvenile synodontis decorus -

- what experiences can you guys share on keeping on of these intelligent, inquisitive fish...I read that if you put a tin foil ball in the tank, they will play with it!..(imagine two of them playing soccer in a gravel yard!)

I do know the consensus from net resources (social) say:

1. peaceful

2. don't keep with other electrical fish (ghost knife fish)

3. don't keep with other elephants unless you can provide for a school of them

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they are great fish, and are peacful although will claim their own space and defend it. they need somewhere to hide.

They can be kept on their own, but imagine how great a school would look!

make sure they are eating ok, as they can get skinny easily.

will have to try the ball of foil! that would be fun to watch :wink:


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If only I had the tanksize to accomodate a group of them... yeah the theory is the foil has electrical properties that induce the elephant to investigate and prod......but lets pretend the elephant feels like playing some sport!!...

I hope the two decorus's don't become too much competition for the timid elephant, might have to drop the blood worms just outside its chosen cave as I had to do when the decorus's were timid.

Is there anybody out there who keeps them in a school or even in pairs? any comments on behaviour?

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from what i've read on the net about these, you can keep them single OR in grps of 3-5, a pair and the dominant one with make the other's life a misery, they do prefer company though, they are very intelligent for fish and are jumpers which is a bad combination. make sure you have NO gaps whatsoever in the lid / top of your tank else they will escape.

I'm planning on getting 5 of them at some point in the future, once I have space for another tank :)

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