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Cheap C02 Options


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The cheapest I can do it for is as follows (inc. shipping)

$98 regulator with solenoid

$45 adaptor

$40 per sodastream bottle new (around $20 second hand on TM)

Diffuser, bubble counter, check valve etc anywhere from $20 up to $50 usually

Refills cost around $12 and last a 60x30x30 high tech tank around a month.

How big is the tank you want it for?

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The cheapest I can do it for is as follows (inc. shipping)

$98 regulator with solenoid

$45 adaptor

$40 per sodastream bottle new (around $20 second hand on TM)

Diffuser, bubble counter, check valve etc anywhere from $20 up to $50 usually

Refills cost around $12 and last a 60x30x30 high tech tank around a month.

How big is the tank you want it for?

Its for a 245l tank. I just got some twisted val, sag and amazon sword and im just wanting to get them to grow faster. Where would i buy that from or would i get that from you?

That diy c02 kit looks pretty good and easy to set up.

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For the cost of refills it would almost be worth getting a full sized cylinder I think. Everything except the adaptor (which can be found on TM) and the cylinder (bought from Mitre10, Briscoes or TM) can be bought from fish-street.com

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I thought i might upload a couple of pictures of plants in my tank currently. I just got some twisted val and 2 amazon swords and some sagg and its looking REALLY messy at the moment since they were a little bit beat up from the post ride down to hamilton :slfg:

Any suggestions on growing them?


Also ignore the fact that there in little containers at the moment haha.

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