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Sea Anemones


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I have had a number of sea anemones over the years and have noticed that when one florishes another, of a different kind, tends to go into decline. Has anyone else had this experience?

I just removed one from my tank this morning and my other anemone is about 25% bigger than usual tonight.

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I had a bubble tip (quadracolor?) that was in the tank for about 1 year, i then added another long t.

All of a sudden the bubble started moving around the tank, almost following the other.

they both moved around the tank for a bout 3 weeks.

Then the long t anemone died.

The bubble then went back to its old spot and hasn't moved since, well it jumped tanks with the clowns, but untill then it stayed where it was.

It would get feed a bit of mussle every know and then.

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