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):Angel Fry Dying:(


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I have had numerous angel pairs spawning lately, this time i seperated the fry once they were 5 days after hatching. Now they are all dead:(. They died off slowly, they still had egg sack, but they seemed to go for the microworms. I have another spawn due to hatch int eh enxt few hours at the earliest. Should i let the parents do their stuff or try artificially again??

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you want to wait till the egg sacks have disappeared, because they will feed on that, and will start swimming properly when finished, thats when you shoudl feed, removing fry from another tank isnt smart, tends to cause damage or stress on the small fish, some ppl have success with it some ppl dont, if your angels are spawining all the time i wouldnt worry about it. make sure if you are removing them thye go into clean aged/cycled water, if i were you i would remove them into a floater in one of my tanks, that way you can monitor them easily, and when the time comes fill there bellys with little energy expense on the fishes part.


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