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How long until plants grow?


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This is probably a stupid question with heaps of variables, but I've planted some Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae. How long will it take to grow and spread out? I'm dosing flourish excell but no CO2, it has medium lighting for about 10-12hrs a day.

Is there a general rule as to how long plants take to grow? When will I see changes?

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Medium lighting?

It all depends on tank specs and how long the plant has been in there. Generally with ground cover and root feeders they take a couple of weeks get established before they show any growth.

Yeah. Not high lighting, not low lighting. I figure, medium :D

I HAVE AN UPDATE! My ambula is already shooting out new...leaves (?) at the top. Java fern is looking good. The indian fern is looking a bit sad, but it's only been there a couple of days

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