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Green Terror

Travis & Vicki

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can i please hav a bit of an idea what ive got my silly self into here,

i brought this little guy sunday, he is in the cichlid tank with 2 vieja synspilum, 2 keyholes,1 sailfin pleco,1 very cute little oscar.

so far the vieja synspilum have chased him round the tank a bit, but no major scraps. all seems quiet thismorning.

what sort of personality will he have, will i have to put him in with the spawning cons to sort him out :evil: , or is he likely to be a lovely fishie

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Your little guy will probably turn the tables on his tank mates pretty soon. :lol:

They are known to be pretty stroppy fish, and I believe that they have been known to take on oscars from time to time as well!

I have been keep large cichlids for a good few years now, and the one thing that I have learnt, is that everyone has different experiences with them. It will really depend on the tank size, as well as what personality your little guy has, and how his tank mates interact with him. some of my cichlids were quite stroppy, but when I placed them in their 500l tank, they all found their own space. I also change their scenery every few weeks in order to make sure they don't get too territorial

Keep an eye on how he reacts with the keyholes, as they are quite placid cichlids, and they may need seperating.

Not sure if he will be a lovely fish, but you cvan bet he will be cheeky and you will love him!

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My 2 keyholes deserve every thing they get, they are a pair of undersized makos, they are top fishies in the tank, they are part of the reason i took the convicts out, they were beating the crap out of them.although they are the smallest in the tank by far, i dont think they know that, my guess is that all is happy in there for now

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hi, Ive had mixed results with jewels while the odd one was placid most of them terrorised anything close to their size, they learned to respect the oscars tho ;)

I kept a breeding pair in a species only tank and they are exellent parents they are much more aggresive when looking after the "kids"

nice looking fish tho.

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