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The "Betta" experiment.


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Approx. 1 month ago I aquired my first Simease Fighter, a beautiful Blue male...just the other day I bought him a girl friend, she is a pinky red colour.

The Male resides in a tank with 5 angels, a pleco, 3 B/noses and a cory.

The female is in a tank with a bunch of livebearers.

I have a spare 2ft tank that has been up and running for a few months now, only recently have I moved its inhabitants to a bigger tank.

Although this tank has been cold water and has had only snails in it for around 4 days......would the tank as it is be ok for a breeding tank for the fighters?

I have done a 50% water change, using water from the tank where the male is & added some gunky water from the main tanks filter to the sponge filter I also added a heater this afternoon.

I also have a really small glass tank ,about 1/4 of the size of the 2 ft tank, I have placed this inside of the 2ft tank......my plan is as follows...

Once I am sure that the tank is safe for use I will add the male to the 2ft tank and let him get used to his surroundings....a couple of days later I will add the female to the small inner tank, I have read that this is a good way to introduce the fish and see if the are ready to spawn. Hopefully the male will get interested and start building a nest, then if all goes well I can add the let the female loose and leave them to their business.

I have also read that some people leave the male in the tank with the fry, he will eat some, but the reaming fry with be stronger, healthier ( :lol: faster :lol: ) fry.

Please let me know what you think.....is there anything I should do before I add my male to the tank?

Any other suggestions greatly appreciated :bow:

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Whoooooooops forgot to add :roll:

I added a couple of hanfuls of gravel, as well as a hollow piece of driftwood which has plants growing out of it, aswell as another large plants which I placed in a pot with a load of gravel from the main tank.

If the tank has been kept going with the sponge filter... but with no fish, only about 20+ snails will it still be cylcled OK?

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Rather than risking your nice bettas finding out if you got it right, why not put your least-favourite live-bearers in there for a week and see what happens? Everything you have done should speed up the cycling process, but how much do you want to risk?

Not that I'm an expert at this sort of thing, just paranoid.

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I have never seperated my male and female siamese fighters, and I haven't had any too many issues. The male and female either like each other, or they don't. They seems to be quite picky about their partners!


I have successfully bred my fighters in a 165l community tank. At first, it seemed that my male was eating the fry, but he was in fact retrieving them and spitting them back into the bubble nest. Quite amazing to watch.

It can be hard, but patience is the key here! Wait until your 2 foot tank is fully cycled before adding the two.

Personally, I don't think I would be able to contain myself, I would be tempted to add the female to the males tank now to see how they react to each other. It takes a while for a male to learn how to build a good bubble nest. Mine must have tried about 4 times before he was happy with the end product.

They really are such awesome fish, and breeding them is very rewarding!

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Personally, I don't think I would be able to contain myself, I would be tempted to add the female to the males tank now to see how they react to each other. It takes a while for a male to learn how to build a good bubble nest. Mine must have tried about 4 times before he was happy with the end product.

They really are such awesome fish, and breeding them is very rewarding!

I admit it I gave in......they were so neat to watch....chasing and dancing together......then I went outside to hang out the washing :roll:

When I checked on them again the male had a couple of slight wounds on him :o so she is now having time out :wink:

I will be watching to see if he makes any attempt to build a nest

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Wow! How incredibly exciting! The fighter fish has got to be one of the most beautiful fish around. I have only ever seen a female fighter in books and to be honest she didn't look a lot different to the male she was squirming with....are the differences obvious? (certainly didn't appear so in the photograph in this book but maybe it was the picture). That is so amazing to hear of the fighter gathering the babies and pushing them into the nest.....the tank has me mesmerised as it is but I wouldn't be able to tear myself away at all if all that was going on.

Please let us know the progress of your fighters.

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Well bluey has attempted to make a bubblenest, he has been at it most of the day......they both seemed really eager, so I let her out for awhile, and they raced around and made a mess of his nest, so poor little guy will have to start all over again :(

I have put in a glass jar to see if this encourages him to make the nest in there.

I am trying to upload some pics, will try to post them soon :)

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Well......I was really concerned when I saw Cherrie drop about a dozen eggs and eat them.

Then I noticed a small batch in the nest with dad busily tending to them.....so cute!

Here are some pics....the eggs are in the left hand corner.


In this photo, he is re-positioning an egg.


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This is my very first go at breeding so not one to give advice :oops:

But I have a sponge filter at one end of the tank, on very slow bubbles.....he built the nest at the other end of the 2ft tank.

The bubbles from the sponge filter barely make any water motion.

Have you got photos of your fighters? would love to see them in the "Show us your bettas" post

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The eggs are about 24 hrs old now, and I have tiny little wriglers.

I can see them jiggling about in their eggs.....tooooo darn cute!

I have been watching them on and off all day, I think I may have eye strain, trying to focus on such tiny things LOL.

Dad is keeping close guard on his pride and joy....but I am a bit worried about him. I have noticed a couple of white spots on him :cry: I hope fatherhood isn't going to cause whitespot on him.......if it is the beginning of the dreaded white spot what could I do?

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Well I am pretty sure he has whitespot....and not too sure what to do about it :cry:

He is totally worn out, chasing his prize fry around.....he gets a few seconds to rest then he is off again, gathering them up.....naughty little thing :wink:

Here are the latest pics.......wriglers in this pic


They are loose and have their tails hanging down in this pic


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They are free swimming now, so have removed dad and treating him for whitespot.

The babies have just been given their first meal, which they gulped down.

I gave them Wardley Small Fry....the only thing I could find available.

I think I will have to syphon their tank soon as i think it will polute very quickly using this stuff.

I may try boiled egg yolk aswell.

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I decided to do a small water change, and get rid of a tonne of snail poop.

I carefully siphoned a little at a time avoiding the tiny fry as best I could.....I decided to check the bit of water I was about to throw out :roll: At first I spotted 1 fry, then 2 more, so moved them back to there tank.

I checked again, and the more I looked the more I saw......I think I removed about 30-40 fry :o AND I thought I was being soooooooo careful :oops:

They all look fine, even after their scarey experience....and I won't be doing any more water changes until they are bigger :wink:

Seeing them up close, I can already see a tinge of red in some of their tails, some are alot darker and some are almost see-though, only able to see their eyes( probably why I sucked up so many :oops: )


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