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Challenge! African suggestions?


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Hey!! I'm in the process of setting up the African tank and am looking for suggestions to stock it..

This tank is designed for Donny the Pantadon. This is a Cichlid free African tank. SO I would LOVE some ideas in stocking it..

200lt 1 Donny, then thinking of getting a cockoo syno and some killies..? The lid is uber good 8)

Donny has previously been in a tank with Hatchets and fighters and as long as he has HIS forest and everybody sticks to their own forest, he's happy and they're alive :)

Swimmy fish? I originally thought Hatchet's were African and they were supposed to be in there but nope.They wont do well in the SA tank either.

Any middle dwelling ideas??

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Yes! They can be neat with the right lighting, I didn't know what that was though, thanks :) There are Congo Tetras at the smaller LFS for $10 each or something similar so may get 3 this week and 3 next for the school..

A question with Tetra in general, does the school need to be made up of the same type of tetra or would a group of 3 of one tetra feel comfortable fitting into a school of say 9 of another type? Making the entire school 12 or 2 separate schools of 9 and 3?

And maybe need a lone/centre swimmer?

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None :) that I can see. We just had a flatmate move in and with our 9 tanks about the house, I think it was 5 days before he bought his own little tank off TM.

:/ came home with an 8 degree Celsius, 1/4 filled, 28lt tank with 1 already too large BN pleco.. 1 bent adult female guppy and one Black Widow Tetra that was a suspected silver dollar until day 3..

So.. We're gunna give pleco a bigger tank in the fish room. He seems to like his bent guppy so I said to maybe get it another female friend.. As with the Tetra, I've told him to get 2 more this weekend and that should help with colour and hiding because he will feel a little more comfy, buuuuttttt, I am well aware that tetras like their buddys, we have 7 neons in the 60lt but don't know if 6 fully grown Black Widows would actually be happier (given the size) so was wondering if maybe 3 smaller neons to bring the numbers up might be the way to go... Ideas?

NB.. He loves the Black Widow

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african characin options


African redeye tetra

Brycinus longipinnis (african longfin tetra) (also traded as Alestes longipinnis)



Yellow tail congo

then there are also the lampeyes


African Neons



most notably the Nothobranchus group


lotsa Ideas!!!, now the trick is to find them =P

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I've found some Guntheri Killies :) Next week, hopefully. (and potentially 3 cuckoos :bounce: ) But goodness gracious me, I could do with some of those Longfin Tetras! African Neons, fricken neat but don't think I've ever heard of them about! I think I may have seen the yellow congo ones.. possibly maybe before.

My eyes and ears are well open now.

Thanks for all those pictures!

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