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Weight distribution


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Just wondering if anyone has some pointers? Got a couple of new tanks, all level on the stand but the poly has some play between the stand and tank at the front in the middle. Will the weight of the water close the gap? Or is that a crackable situation? Have thought maybe to use a gap filler or silicone to glue to the bottom of the poly so when the tank sits on it the weight of the tank will compress the filler enough to have the tank sitting evenly on the poly/stand.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

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Can you post a picture?

I had the same issue with my 1400 litre tank. and resolved it using wood wedges (from the hardware store) and selleys no more nails. Worked a treat.

What you may find is that there is a small bow in the wood that is causing it to sit funny while empty.

Have you check with a level?

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Could probably get a picture tonight. It's a pretty minimal gap maybe 2mm tops so don't know if it will show up in a photo.

And because it's on a stand up against a wall I can't tell if the back is doing the same thing, so was hoping for a cover all bases solution. The tanks not massive around 100 litres, but I don't want to risk a crack really!!

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I have a very small gap (about 2 mm, if that) with my polystyrene also .

Had the tank sitting like it is for the last 4-5 months without an issue (so far) .

I'm pretty sure it's an inconsistency with the polystyrene more so than a non-level stand / tank. But in saying that, I didn't check the stand with a level. =)

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2mm seems like a small gap but glass won't flex anywhere near that before cracking. I'm not sure I would want to rely on the poly crushing to absorb that sort of unevenness, AFAIK it is more for taking care of small bumps (eg protruding screw heads) rather than gradual changes in height, as when the weight is spread over a large area it won't crush enough under load to absorb it (otherwise it would end up being flat under the weight of the tank).

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After reading this I had to check measurements just in case, it seems like the poly narrows slightly in the middle. The stand is level as far as I can tell with my oldschool spirit level - Is this still likely to pose a problem ?

I would have thought if the middle of the poly was narrower than the ends, the ends would crush down to compensate and level off.

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