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Borrow a Tank - Hamilton


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Does anyone have a tank I can borrow for a few weeks while I re-scape my 450 litre planted community tank?

I'll be starting from scratch, and need somewhere to house my fish and plants during the tear-down and re-scape.

I have 20 penguin tetras, 25 emerald eye rasbora, 5 red lined torpedo barbs, 5 bolivian rams, 5-ish otos (not sure exactly) and 6 dwarf chain loaches. The bigger the better, but I'm sure they'll be OK for a few weeks in something sub-optimal. I have lots of filtration and can up the water changes if needed.

Happy to pay a few $$ or donate some java fern or amazon swords.

I'm still on the hunt for some stone, so I don't need it for couple of weeks yet.

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