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Fish selection


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I have a 120L tank I have 3 comet goldfish, 8 angel fish, and 1 bristle nose pleco. I'll proberly get rid of some ( Im thinking 4) of the angel fish when they get bigger, but got them as a deal. What other fish would be good in this tank? I like the idea of a knife fish or something bright. Also my tank is a bit brown from drift wood, is their anything I can do about that other than filter it out through the weekly water changes? Any advice would be most helpful.


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The brown stuff is called tanin, you should be able to filter it out through your powerhead. Do you have a heater in this tank? what temp is it at? i would advice removing the goldfish, they will get bigger, and also easly become sick when in tropical temps. I knife fish would probably be fine, just remember they grow quiet big. What are the stats of your setup?


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I hope all these fish are still small as you have too many for the size of the tank. You have also mixed tropical and cold water fish which isn't recommended. I suggest you remove either the goldfishes, or the angels and bristlenose. The goldfish will be OK for a while but will outgrow the tank eventually.

As asked previously, is this tank heated?

The tannins from the driftwood are harmless and the angels will actually like it. I believe charcoal in the filter will remove it more quickly.

I would not add any more fish to the tank.

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The tank is heated to about 26-27, I heard the goldfish could take these tem ps because they came from china were it froze in the winter and got righly hot in the summer. I was also told hey would be fine in 9 litre tank I got with them, I just put them in a bigger tank so I only had one tank to look after. The gold fish are about 6cm and I have has two for 6 months. The angel fish range between about 5-8cm long. Also the pleco was in a tropical tank (30 degrees) at the pet store I bought it from, so I hope it would be alright. Thanks for the advice though.


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It is true that Goldfish are able to cope with tropical temps far better than most people are aware of (Goldfish Guide by Dr Axelrod and Dr Yoshiichi Matsui). Angelfish can be quite sensitive to water conditions, as can goldfish - so you may find that it is best to seperate them to try and give both the angels and the goldies a better chance.

I have had blood red parrots living with goldfish for a few years at a temp of 27 degrees celsius, and whilst the combo does work, it is quite a balacing act.

As the others have suggested, you may need to look into a bigger tank at some stage. Goldies can get pretty big!

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