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PJ2000 vs PJ5000/UP6


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I bought a PJ5000 today, was going to grab the UP6 off Dogmatix but since it's the same as a PJ5000 I can get one from a garden center for the same price(I got conexions!:))

Anyway, swapped it with the PJ2000 and plugged it in. First thing one of the jets from my DIY spraybar shot a stream of water from the middle of the tank about 2 feet out of the tank. Unplugged it, fixed that. Plugged it back in and nervously watch the water level keep going up...And up...And empty the pump section of the sump. Add more water keep adding water and more water and more water and it all finally stabilizes about 5mm from the top of the overflow and touching the braces. Luckily it has a bypass valve thing that came with the pump, throw that in, a little adjusting so part of the flow is being bypassed back into the pump suction(Probably plumb that up for flow in the refugium eventually) and it's all perfect, About an inch from the top of the overflow.

I'd guess that's another 6-7X turnover in the tank, another 2000LPH or so.

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Realized yesterday that when if I plug the air holes on durso standpipe just right the water level in the overflow drops because it has a partial siphon increasing the flow. So THAT's what everyone meant about adjusting the airflow on them.:) So I put some tape completely over one hole and partially over another. Had to leave for work before I had a chance to turn off the bypass and see if it will handle the whole pump's capacity.

So, if it can handle the whole flow of the pump then the tank should have about 30X turnover.:) Just need a sea swirl I think to distribute the return from the sump and...Auugh, Stupid expensive demanding tank, quit making me spend money on you!

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This is true that you can increase the flow of the dorso by creating a siphon. The only worry is that if the power goes off and then turns back on, the siphon isn't that easily started again. I unfortunately figured this out when I came home to A LOT of water on my floor. :oops:

So, just be careful and definitely do a shutdown/restart test to make sure the dorso can still handle the flow before the siphon gets started again.

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The durso as it is handles the flow fine, it's just an inch or so higher water level. And anyway with the normal water level an inch lower, the pump will definitely suck the pump chamber dry before overflowing. I think even with it higher it still won't overflow before running out of water, it'll just be close. I will double check though.

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