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I am looking for some marine content for the Aquarium World magazine. Anyone willing to write something for me?

It does not need to be long or fancy. People like to hear (and see - clear, in focus, pics are always good) about how others set up their tank, or how they built something along with anything else marine you like to write about.

Even if you would like to do something about a specific marine fish or coral or any other marine inhabitant, it would be appreciated.

Do not worry of you can't spell, or your grammar is not the best, that is what an editor is for :wink:

Perhaps you have had a problem you managed to solve. Let us know what it was, what caused it, and how you fixed it. This can help others who may have the same problem.

Maybe you specifically grow live food. What and how? Or what sort of fish do you have and what sort of food do you prefer to feed them and why?

The possibilities are endless. Remember the magazine is FOR hobbyists, BY hobbyists so no need to feel "oh I couldn't do that!"

Even if it is a step by step pictorial only with a brief explanation of what each pic is about, would be good. :bounce: :bow:

All FNZAS members get this magazine free. Anyone else who has their item published also gets a free copy and the opportunity to tell people they are a published author as we are a registered magazine with an ISSN and copies go to the Hocken library (as well as overseas). :happy2:

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I have done a fair bit of research lately on setting up a marine tank for everything I need to know so I know what I am getting myself into before I start.

After pricing up everything I have to save at least $5000 just for the equipment I want to use. So I could write something when I begin accumulating everything and begin the setup.

I will of coarse start a new thread on here as well.

Only problem is I will have to get rid of my planted setup which has been going so well. Only one tank can exist. Its a hard decision.

Also with my partner wanting work done to the house makes it harder to save that 5k.

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si-sphinx I emailed you re your other freshwater article. Please respond :wink:

It can be a hard decision if you can only have one tank at a time but try to enjoy the freshwater longer before starting marine.

It is also important to have a nice surrounding for your tank and stand so house repairs/renovations etc are important.

spoon - all talk and no action. This is typical!!! :facepalm:

I did not like to ask you again knowing the troubles you have had with the quakes. :tears:

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Feb, May, Aug and November.

I think having more marine content would encourage more members to give them a go.

Look how many native fish keepers we now have thanks to Stella's excellent help on the forum here and in her articles in the magazine :hail:

It doesn't matter when an article is sent as I just include it whichever magazine is being worked on at the time. :wink:

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