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Altos :)


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Starting to get a pretty good collection of altos :)

Have a pair of gold heads (not breeding but getting a new female because I think the female is dud), a pair of black calvus that are breeding well, a pair of red fin comps from the latest shipment and just got given 20 red fin comp fry from an import around 3-4 years ago which is an awesome strain that has awesome red fins, they weren't even free swimming so it will be interesting to see how they handle the stress of moving and if they live..

Think ill have to invest in more tanks I am slowly kicking malawis out to put altos in their tanks, don't think there are many left in NZ that I don't have though?

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was this supposed to be a pm? it reads that way to me

Starting to get a pretty good collection of altos :)

Have a pair of gold heads (not breeding but getting a new female because I think the female is dud), a pair of black calvus that are breeding well, a pair of red fin comps from the latest shipment and just got given 20 red fin comp fry from an import around 3-4 years ago which is an awesome strain that has awesome red fins, they weren't even free swimming so it will be interesting to see how they handle the stress of moving and if they live..

Think ill have to invest in more tanks I am slowly kicking malawis out to put altos in their tanks, don't think there are many left in NZ that I don't have though?

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