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Assuming everything is level the extra thickness won't harm (unless you get to a ridiculous height). It's just like a matress, you can easily have one too thin to be comfortable, but after a while extra thickness makes no difference until you find it difficult to get into bed.

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  • 2 months later...

Only if the base cracks due to localised pressure on it.

I once told a customer to put some poly under her tank before she filled it.

She didn't, she used a towel.

I got a phone call to say she had a bad leak from her tank, could I come immediately.

I did,

She was charged for the repair to her tank and got some poly THIS time for the base.

As for thickness.

I have have under my small tanks, 6mm poly.

Alan 104

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You can buy rolls of that spongy stuff that stops anything moving - Im not explaining this well am i - its like rubber almost and stitched together in criss-cross pattern. Some folk put it on their car dash to stop mobile phones sliding etc. Do you know what i mean? Anyone? :oops:

Anyway, wondered whether that would be any good? Alan? Your thoughts?

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Hmmmm....polystyrene...same as styrofoam, right :-?

So, Alan, a 10 gallon tank needs 6mm thickness. Does this just have to be placed under the tank itself? How am I to do that now that my tank is full?

A customer...do you actually make aquariums?

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I said on my SMALL tanks I use 6mm. 200 x 200 x 300

On my 2'ers I use either pinex softboard or 10mm poly.

I also use the pinex for making undertank heaters. It doesn't melt like poly does.

I know the stuff you mean PR, but without any experience with it, I won't hazard a reply.

I don't want a lot of claims coming my way.

Yes Caper, I do make my own tanks.

It was a case of necessity as I had the worst case of MTS hit me.

I had up to 200 tanks at one time, and being a very hands on Kiwi,

I learnt how to cut and glue glass into the required shapes wanted.

To make extra $$'s for getting beasties to fill the tanks, I also made them for others.

Hey brain wave PR, that mesh stuff may be ok for a breeding screen or tank divider, mmmmmmmmm.

Alan 104

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Hi Allan/PomeReef,

Oh dear...all these measurements of tanks get me so :-?

How thick do I need to get this stuff?

I'm sorry guys...this is all new to me!

I'll have to wait till Monday to try and find some no place that would sell this would be open tomorrow. So I'm just looking for styrofoam? Is there different kinds? Or just different thinkness?

Do I have to take the water down 1/2 way? I can get people to help me lift and such. But if I try to lift the tank with anymore than half full, could I end up breaking the tank?

Congratulations on making your own tanks Allan!

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Caper - you got it buddy. Since its a small tank i would (and have) lifted it half full - but you MUST support all four corners. And half way is minimum. What fish do you have in your tank?

Also if you have lots of heavy rocks then i would take them out too.

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Hi PomeReef,

I have:

1 golfish

1 platy

3 tetras (still trying to verify if black neons).

I sure wish I had known this from the beginning, if only I had found your site first:)

So...how thick? Cut just enough so the entire tank sits right on it?

What will changing 1/2 the water do to the fish? I've only had the tetras for...ummm....9 days.

I don't have anything in there that would be considered heavy. Easy to take out anyway.

Has anybody with a tank my size, (10 gal) not put foam under and escaped any problems? I'm really nervous that if I move the tank I may cause it to crack or something.

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I'd definately suggest that you empty your tank.

Put down a sheet of polystyrene, it takes away pressure points that can cause breakages.

Allan's words again...I guess I'm getting the picture :o

The more I read here...the more I realize I have no choice but to get the styrofoam. REALLY REALLY nervous about moving the tank.

If I end up with a little sticking out from under the tank...can I just trim it off? I'll have to go looking for this tomorrow right after work.

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OK Caper, this is how ALAN would approach it.

First, get enuff water to do a complete change and store aside, so it will age.

In your case you may have to use those chemical neutralises that you need for your water.

While this is aging, I would now locate some 1/2" (10mm) poly, cut it to size and have reasonably handy.

Now on the day of putting the poly under the tank, I would catch the fish and put them into a bucket with half their tank water and half the now aged water, that should be the same temperature as the aquarium water.


Now using a vaccuum do a real good job of syphoning, and thereby cleaning, the base gravel.

That should get rid of two buckets of water.

Throw it out.

Now syphon the rest of your tank water out into specially designated fish buckets, (not used for anything else but fishy things) until you have three or so buckets of saved tank water.

Discard the rest. Or save that into other buckets where your gravel can be finally washed with it.

The tank is now empty and can be moved without fear.

Move it to a safe place and put you poly where the tank use to be,

replace tank after a thourough cleaning of the glass and replace the now spotless gravel, filters, etc.

Put into the tank the new water, about half, then add the old tank water that you saved,

being careful not to get the lees that will have settled out by now.

Catch your fish from theit impromtu prison and release them into the aquarium.

Now turn on the electrics.

Heater, filter, air-pump and lights.

Give the front of the tank a clean with a towel, and then clean up the mess of empty buckets, hoses, nets,

and anything else that you used for this major move.

Now go get a can, crack the scab and sit back and admire your handywork from the comfort of your eziboy chair with your feet up, knowing that after having visited the FNZAS.org.nz site, and having friendly folk advising you,

that you'll now set up your next tanks with poly under their bases.

Alan 104


if ya can't figure this out from what I've written, PM me for my address and I'll send it to you,

then you can send my return plane tickets and I'll come and do it for you.


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Dont get nervous about moving the tank, it's easy really, if you worried about doing such a big water change (which souldn't be a problem anyway as long as the parameters and temp are about the same) take out as much water as you would normally for a water change, then fill the containers again from your tank and store that water to put back in once you have lifted it.

The type of material you put under doesn't really matter as long as it doesn't colapse after long periods with weight on it.

You can trim it, just use a sharp craft knife, and watch you dont damage the silicon hoding your tank together.

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We are really keen on something like styrofoam under the tanks here because we get lots of earthquakes so we like to think the foam helps absorb the extra movement and stop stress fractures. It also helps stop heat loss. I sometimes line the back of my tanks with it as well.

A 50% water change won't hurt the fish. If you don't want to change that much, siphon it into a bucket or container then pour it back in when you have finished.

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OK - so you have practically no fish in at the moment - thats good.

The polystyrene needs to be only about 6-10mm thick for a tank that size. Seriously - you have to do it. The tank could be fine, but all it needs is a slight twist in what its sitting on or a fine particle of dirt that even you could not see and there is a chance it will crack or pop its seams.

What would the fish feel about a 50% water change? We are not saying thats what you should do - take the water out and store it then put it back in. Better still, do it at the same time you would do a water change, take out 50%, discard 25% and retain the rest. Syphon off 25% from the top of the tank and retain it, then use your tank hoover to clean the gravel to get rid of 25% more of the water.

A tank that size with two of you lifting it whilst supporting it properly will not pose a problem. I have lifted a 3' x 18" x 15" with lots of gravel and 30% water in no worries.

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You people are truly amazing...you are so nice and so willing to help! I really appreciate all this :bow:

Oh Alan...if I could afford a plane ticket...you'd be on your way here to do this :o

Tomorrow I will have to see where I can buy some. Between now and then I am going to read over what you all have sent so I can do this successfully!

Gee, Caryl, do you get earthquakes often? I'm sorry to hear that do they cause much damage, of course any damage is too much.

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Caper - thats what this place is for - to help each other out (although sometimes things may get a little irate, lol).

Ive been in the South Island here for just a year now and encountered two earthquakes that i felt, but there are many more that we dont feel. They dont cause damage mostly - but you can feel the house move ! Maybe even a painting could come down ! Its no biggie most of the time.

Good luck with your plans. And let us know if you need any more help.

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What are Earthquakes?

We have had 26 registered here (those able to be felt) in the last month alone, from 2.8 to 4.2.

They don't call us the "shaky isles" for nothing.

We also have volcanoes.

Don't tell anyone, but I personally fell that with all the earthquakes that are happening around here, (they're about 95% in the same place).

Could this be NZ's next volcano?

I hope not, cause I am but a few kilometers from the epicentre.


We have our very own LIVE volcano but 25 miles off shore, we are told if that goes and sends a tsunami, we have seven minutes to make the high ground.

OK, who's coming to stay in the Bay??

Alan 104

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Caper, if you havnt found some poly yet go to your local benchmark,carters, itm etc and see if they have some. They usually have big sheets of 20mm used for packing that they will happily give away. Ask them to cut it nearly to size for you if it wont fit in your car and trim with a sharpie or breadknife when its under your tank. I did just this on the weekend.

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