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So Excited


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I'm SO EXCITED... :happy1:

My filter pump turned up by courier today.

Aqua One Nautilus Canister Filter CF2700.

Too bad I'm at work and have to wait until I get home to have a play.

I'm guessing I know what I'll be doing for most of this weekend.

In preparatation for some "fishing" trips over the break we have also purchased a lantern, some butterfly type nets and a mesh laundry hamper (thanks who's ever idea that was!).

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So cool.

butterfly nets arent so good for water unless you are getting very small bullies or whitebait. a good net is the wooden handled mesh nets from the warehouse, in the smae thread is the mesh hamper? Yes, stella's second pic in this http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=51709&hilit=nets thread. I use the same one as stella.

Oh good luck, if it was a different weekend I might offer to help out but I'll be somewhere north of mt damper.

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