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Anyone else use the Juragon RX Suro Reptile Incubator?


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Anyone on here use one of these and could shed some light on a couple of questions?

1) Should the container that the eggs are in be covered / un covered / covered with holes in the top?

2) Are all incubation temps the same for ALL incubators?

Brought from this company - http://www.incubatorsnz.co.nz/webapps/i/60075/184598/315324

Thats the incubator itself.

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I always use individual containers,covered for each clutch.your second question makes no sense to me,30 degrees is 30 degrees where ever it is?

Never used one of that specific type myself but I know the chicken ones from the same company have good reports and results.You could buy 2 still air hovabators for the same money and they are precise enough to hatch any reptile I can think of.up toyou and your needs really,i have hatched countless redears in a hotwater cupboard but would not risk anything rare or valuable.

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