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It creates big issues.

Now I am sure your probably right that the Melafix caused you a problems. But are you sure its not the wate rchanges that brought back your anemone? Or the fact that you have had to adjust you salinity? OR any of the other changes you have done latley?

Now I don't want to poke you with too big a stick, but Melafix has been tested with reef aquairums and is 'reef safe'. Infact they even claim and name Anemones specificially being 'safe for treatment'. What are the chances that all their testing is wrong, and you are the one to discover that Melafix 'creates big issues'?

I am not trying to defend the Melafix product, I don't use it nor could I ever imagine any circumstance that would make me use it on my reef, but I think your "it creates big issues" is probably wrong, I let it slide in your own thread about your Anemone, but I don't think it deserved its thread claiming 'it causes big issues' because in all honesty I doubt that is the case.

Just my own observation.


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MelaFix is a safe and effective anti-bacterial medication for all freshwater and marine fish. Laboratory studies proved that MelaFix is safe for even the most delicate fish species including tetras, discus fry, and scaleless fish like the clown loach. MelaFix can be used with all marine fish. Repeated treatment of sensitive clownfish fry proved harmless. MelaFix has been tested and found to be safe in reef aquariums containing invertebrates such as live coral and anemones.

Treating with MelaFix will not harm the biological filter in freshwater or saltwater aquariums or ponds. MelaFix will not colour the water and will not stain ornaments or silicone sealer. MelaFix has no effect on pH. MelaFix is harmless to live aquarium plants.

Personally, I wouldnt use it in my reef tank (nor any medication no matter how "laboratory tested" it is). Hence the reason for hospital tanks. If it really came down to it, its not hard (on a reasonable size tank) to take a portion of the water and put it in a second separate tank and (1/4 dose) fish in that (ie: dose slowly). I used it plenty of times in my freshwater tank with great success,... too many "delicate" animals in the reef tank though.

Here's what Brooklands have to say about it, they probably just took it straight from the manufacturers label:


And another "personal opinion" about Melafix killing an arrow crab


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Another thing Pies, I had Fays anemone in there just after the first water change and there was still a touch of it in trhe system.

But this did not affect the other anemone.

Te stuff is just too strong. The dose rate probably needs to be reduced, but buggered if I am going to check!!


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