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Help me figure out the sex's of these fish


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well...i got 2 gouramis about 3 days ago....

one is blue colored and one is a goldish color.....both are the 3 spotted gouramis= specific names= blue gourami and Golden Gourami...thats what ppl at the fish store named them...

anyways...i got 1 of each...the blue colored on is a little bigger than the golden one...and after about 5 min. in the tank...the blue was nipping at the golden one...but only nipped at the anal fin and a little up...i wanna know if they are two of the same genders or what...the blue continued to chase after the golden one...when i got home from school today...this is the first time ive seen the blue one NOT chasing the golden one...heres are some pics...unfortunantly....like most fish...my golden one is shy and its hard to get a said veiw of the fish...but i tried=


now heres my blue one=


as you can see...the golden ones fins are ussually always erect and the blue ones top fin always seems to be a little tucked in at some what....

the golden ones top fin looks rounded at the top too

can anyone tell me which gender they are...cause if they both are males...i wanna put a divider in the tank so they dont fight and kill each other

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What a load of proverbial LB

They are both Trichogaster trichopterus

The blue being more of the original colour while the "gold" is a color morph.

Can you tell me where you got your information from LB, as both these, if of opposite sex (I think they are), will if compatible, breed quite happily for you in the right conditions,

The resultant offspring will probably be of FOUR differnt colors and carrying the original color gene as well.

Alan 104

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Actually I just noticed the gold G has red eyes.

This is 'normally' a male trait.

So you may have two boys, and with that goes trouble..

When next in your LFS look into their tanks and check out the fin shapes.

As caryl says, Long = boys Short = girls

Alan 104

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1: i have no clue what LB means...

2: the golden on doesnt have any spots like the blue gourami does...it actually has black, vertical strips....now i bought a very good fish book ages ago and it says that if a female fish is pregnant...than it has vertical stripes...but i cant be to sure..the belly of the golden on isnt really big so i cant say for sure...

3:that " long= male /short= female" that doesnt exist to me right now cause yall are also saying "pointy=male/ round= female" well...the golden one i have to say has long but round fins...only the top one tho...and the blue fish has short but pointy....very strange.....and that book is=


thats the book i have...it has lots of info on breeding...setting up tanks....cleaning tanks, ect......

anyhow...it says nothing about red eyes= males.....ill look into furthur information about red eyes and figure that out....

the "gold" is a color morph

ive nvr heard of a color morph...does that mean that that fish was meant to be blue but become gold colored instead? or like....you know how some ppl r right handed and some a left...is it like that or something?

breed quite happily for you in the right conditions

i dont have a seperate tank axcept for a vry small one...almost like a 2 gallon tank tall....if they start breeding should i put them it ther? and if so should i cover up the glass so that they dont gain stress(i heard doing this for fish while breeding helps them)

probably be of FOUR differnt colors and carrying the original color gene as well.

that sounds as if its vry rare....is it? im no fish expert at all...but from the looks of the info ppl can give me in seems like you all are...plus...im definitly not a breeding expert...i havnt even tried breeding before

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The ancestors of most of the fish we keep are different colours to the ones we now keep. The 3 spot gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus) has a number of colour variations including the Cosby (Blue with black zigzags) and gold. They are not rare, at least not in New Zealand.

The pictured fish look smallish and skinny to me so unlikely to be 'pregnant' (I personally dislike that phrase. egg layers are full of eggs, live bearers become pregnant) also it looks to me like they are both males.

LB is a Kiwi expression, it can be loosly translated into American English as "Wellingtonian student that keeps Killifish and Guppies"

1 gallon [uS, liquid] = 3.7854118 litre. :o

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