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Gir Here


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Yo hey all...im Gir(DUH)

anyways...heres some info on me-=====

im 14 years old....

i have a 10 gallon fish tank(i plan on upgrading to a 20 gallon soon)

ive been keeping fish for a good 2 years...maybe another half a year....but i dont spend a lot of time lookin at em and making sure they are O.K...


now that im in highschool, i get out another 2 hours early :) .....and i plan on taking care of them....the fish i have are=

1. a tetra, i had this for about a year and a half...this fish is my success :)

2. a blue gourami, which i need info about considering ive nvr had gouramis before...so...ill post one in the antabonoids(dont know if i spelled that right) section.

3 another blue gourami but this one has a goldish color to it...

4 Dojo Loach(i think he might die soon...he has a disease with fungal stuff...im treating him with stuff trying to cure him....

brief question=

Does that white stuff on his fin....can it spread to my other fish...if so how should i remove him?

um ok...now...im going to go to that gourami section a get some info...thx...oh

I live in the USA, Maryland

im male

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Hi Gir, most fish problems can be traced back to poor water quality, esp if you are having problems keeping your other fish alive as well. Are you changing some water every week (around 10%)? And do you have a filter running? Also I'm guessing you would have a lot of chlorine in the water there so you will need to let your new water sit in a bucket overnight to get rid of the chlorine otherwise you will be harming the bacteria that are cleaning the water in your tank.

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Well :/

i just recently cleaned the tank out...i have this new filter idea my uncle gave me for better filtration that builds the bacteria that helps my tank....out of all those problems you listed...theres only 1 and that is that i dont let the water sit after i put in that amonia, clhorine and (something else)....so ill remember to do that...also...the dojo loach the only fish that i have problems with...ive had 2 so far....and everytime..the dang thing catches a disease like the dojo loaches have an alergic reaction to my tank :P.....anyways...i will remember to let the water sit before i put it in....i plan on upgrading my tank to a 20 gallon soon anyways.

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Do you 'vacuum' the gravel when you do you water changes? Interesting that you have algae problems as well, could you be over feeding? This could explain the algae and the loach problems (if it is swimming round in rotting food). You could try reducing your feeding for a month. By the way how long has the tank been setup?

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Hi gir and welcome. Loaches are very sensitive to water conditions so will get sick before other fish. As said, it is possible that your substrate needs a good clean as well.

If you are adding water conditioner or ager to the new water when you do wate changes, you do not have to let it sit overnight as well.

Why do you get out 2 hours earlier in high school?

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yes i do vacuum the gravel when i clean...its like the only way i know about cleaning it..,.i have an under-the-gravel thingy...um....filter(yea thats the word)....and that is cool....but after every vacuum theres still a lot more left and i keep doing it and doing it but it nvr helps cause it keeps coming...my algie...i have a razor blade.....i divide the tank into two sections.....i put all the fish in one side so i dont hurt any by mistake and a scrape the algie off....but i mean like....i got tons.....

over feeding=


yesterday was the first day in almost 2 months that i fed them....just because i have more time on my hands

I get out 2 hours early from highschool?=

im comparing it to when i get outta highschool to when i got out of middle school

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Please gir, if you are not willing to care for your fish properly, please do not set up another tank. Why are you doing so if you aren't taking any notice of the current one? How would you like to be kept locked in a room and not fed?

What sort of algae is in the tank? If it is small dots on the glass needing a razor blade to remove it is usually too much direct light causing the problem.

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No you dont get what my father is like...with him i find it impossible to do anything that i wanna do but anyhow...it was loads of algie..but not no more....

now that i actually have the time to take care of the fish i have, now i can actually do this...

and i think you missed the point...im not planning on setting up another....i want to replace the tank i have with a bigger and already much cleaner one

now dont get me wrong im trying to take care of them the best of my ability now that i do have time on my hands.....im trying to keep these guys alive the best i can too....

anyways....because this is happening...i always like to have 1 bottom feeder...would anyone recommend having a pleco :) cause those look like they do a good job cleaning...and can get pretty big too :o

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Hi Gir... welcome to the NZ Fishroom. :)

Sounds like you might be upgrading to a bigger tank.

Just wondering who looked after your fish prior to you starting High School.

You said:

over feeding=


yesterday was the first day in almost 2 months that i fed them....just because i have more time on my hands

Not really the sort of thing to laugh about, as we take our fishkeeping VERY seriously here at the Fishroom, but hopefully there is a mis-understanding, and someone was caring for your fish during your busy time.

Having said that, we at the Fishroom will do all we can to help you.

A good start would be to read all the posts on setting up a new tank, along with the types of fish that are compatable with each other, plus the limitations of your new tank and how many fish it can safely hold.

Just dumping the whole contents of the old tank into the new tank is not to be considered, unless you have no other option.

Ideally (if possible).. you should set the new tank up and use "some" of the water from the old tank, plus a few handsfull of the gravel, and an old filter that has been running in an established tank for some time.

Your undergravel filter can't do this, but you can use most other types, including a dirty old sponge filter.

What this does is... it starts the bacteria cycle working that is needed to keep your water in good condition.

There's lots of info on this here in these pages, so you will need to do some reading.

If you try to keep your related problems together in one thread, then they are easier to follow :)

Good to have you here, and hope you enjoy your visits.


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Not really the sort of thing to laugh about, as we take our fishkeeping VERY seriously here at the Fishroom, but hopefully there is a mis-understanding, and someone was caring for your fish during your busy time.

yes someone does./..my brother does cause my mom nvr wanted me to get fish and my dad doesnt care...considering my brother is 1 grade higher than me, he got out of school earliers....i payed him to feed my fish because i didnt have enough time..though...my dad does feed the fish if me and my brother have to go away for a lil while.....i have 3 filters set up...2 are the same kind and 1 is one of the under gravel filter...i had a 4th when i was in middle school so i didnt have to clean the tank out as often but i dont have much room for the forth now...

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What I don't really understand is WHY you didn't have time to feed your fish - it takes me all of five minutes to go around my five fish tanks sprinkling in enough food to keep them going when I'm busy and don't have much time to fuss around thawing out frozen food and such like.

If you had some flakes sitting on top of your tank or close by it would take you not even ONE minute to unscrew the lid take a few pinches and screw the lid back on again!

Who the heck doesn't have one minute in their day to spare? :roll:

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i unno...im just always very busy doin stuff....considering i almost flunks the last grade of middle school...and like...to me my dad would literally kill me if i was held back so....i was always so worried.....n then...after a week of highschool my dad was pissed off at me n all that...and said...id never bring my E back up.....but i showed him....he kept telling me...."forget it, just flunk the class"...but i showed him and now he literally hasnt spoken to me since....and for those who dont know how long that has been, its been around 2 months...i mean like...i dont even think he was happy for me......ah well....i brung my grades up to all Bs(even the E i had which it that case i had 6 classwork assignments wich i got E's on/....) and crap...so i just a lot of stress and stuff....but now....evrythings O.K....if anyone doesnt know....E=F Flunking grade...so

yea thats why...i was always busy..i nvr played games or anything.....just work and studying

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Hey gir, work hard and pass those grades for yourself, not your dad. I'm sorry things don't sound so good at your place but what you do, and how you react is mostly going to affect you, not anyone else. You know you can do it so keep up the good work.

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no i am not trying to pull your legs here....i really did not have time for fish before...now i do.....and actually im going to the petstore today...im going to get a new 20 gallon LONG fish tank instead of tall....before i wasnt going to but it turns out that i have found my wallet(finaly) which has almost 100$ and so im going to buy a new tank....new gravel...im gonna buy that 'cycle' stuff cause it looks like it will help alot....and some other stuff i might use.....

i think im all set to do this tank transfer....but...all i have to figure out it how to make my tank look all professional like all your like....would you prefer my to use plastic plants....or...live?

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Ultimatley Gir it is up to you, if you like plastic plants then go for it, if you like live plants then go for that, you could even have a mix of both, I would suggest Live plants, because of the above that humming bird posted, plus the fact that you can grow them and propogate them yourself. but as i say, your tank you do what you like.


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