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My planted tank journal


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Oh ok, will it go away by itself?

Cool, how long did you have to soak it for? Had to hunt around for some interesting pieces, most were boring straight ones despite the beach being covered in DW.

maybe - its been a while since i have had that brown algae - i put a golden algae eater in my new tanks - they love the stuff.

it may take a few days to a few weeks - it all depends on the wood - but i have heard that boiling it will help - I assume they are only small bits since its a small tank so it should be on the few days side with boiling

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Argh I found more worms in my tank! They are different from the nematodes because they stay on the glass. These ones I only noticed when I put my face reeeaaally close to the glass. They are 2mm long, white and thin. Maybe baby planaria? They don't have that arrowhead shape, I can't tell cos they are so small.

Anyway I turned off the filter, scrubbed the glass and did a 50% water change. Ammonia and nitrite 0, nitrate at 5ppm. I'm confused because everything I read about worms say they are harmless etc and are from overfeeding. But I don't even have any fish! And they seem to be multiplying because there certainly weren't this many a week ago :x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Say hello to my new little fighter, Banksy!



So badass!

Thank you to bronze_dragon from here on the boards who was so patient and helpful in finding him for me!

I initially tried getting a halfmoon for so long and have never really been a fan of ct's... but after seeing this little guy I fell in love straight away.

It's day 3 for him in his new home and he is doing awesome. The first day he hid in the back and squeezed behind the filter most of the time which I expected. I thought he would be uneasy for at least 3 days but his shyness faded pretty quickly. Already on day 2 he was out and about exploring and swimming up to anyone who approaches his tank. The tank is on the kitchen benchtop so he swims to the back to watch anyone doing the dishes and follows you if you walk around to the front. He also eats all the gross little worms I have in my tank! I gave up on trying to control the numbers so when Banksy arrived he had a feast waiting for him. Hardly see any worms now!

Plant-wise, my blue hygro is pretty much gone. I've cut most of the stems down to the last of the healthy leaves they have but eventually I'll pull them out. All the rest of the plants are doing pretty well. The moneywort and rotala growing to ropey lengths. Even the glosso which sort of went through a bad patch is slowly coming back.

I'm looking for a blue mystery snail now. Does any one know of any in the Wellington region? I found a couple sellers on trademe but would prefer if I could obtain them locally if possible.

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