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Big Big thank you to Cracker and Wasp, love my gift. It's nice to share but I didn't expect to get such a lovely coral in return, put it in the tank and it opened up straight away must like the spot I made for it. Wasp could you please give me it's correct name? Thanks again Fay

Cracker has made a lovely job of his tank 10 out of 10 Cracker :D

Have to visit Wasp next time over the shore, to see his tank something to look forward to :D

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Hey thanks for the thanks Fay, it was actually from Craig (Cracker), glad it made the trip home OK, it is a Pom Pom Xenia, considered by many a "weed" in their reef garden, but an interesting coral none the less.

It was great to meet you and Frog, and I am also very happy with the 4 different colours of zoanthids I got from Craig as my end of the deal.

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