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I have havend told my back ground yet so here it is. I am dutch and came here white my wife (she's a kiwi) to live she had a lot of homesicknes back in holland so now we are here. I am a member of three aquarium clubs at this moment

1 stil back in holland bin a member fore last 8 years

2 the marlborough club

3 the canterbury aquarium club

It started when I whas oprox 7 years my older brother and I had two goldfish in a smal tank. And I finisd back in holland with 2 tanks

1 tank whas 160x60x60 cm and a bio filther of 120 ltr.

tank 2 whas 80x80x80 cm and had a bio filter of 80 ltr.

If you whant to see them they are in MEMBERS TANKS under scalare's tanks. At this moment I have a temp. 3ft tank with some new angels. in two weeks time I am gone start building (wooden tank)on my new tank this is gone be 115x65x75 cm and my old 3 ft turns in to my new bio filter. The fish are gone be 6 angels 15 cardinal tetra's 10 panda catfish 2 pleco's (1 red spot) I hope that I have given you enof info. and hope you enjoy the foto's on the members site .


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