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Discus Mum is Mad


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Hello, Day 11 of free swimmer discus, and Discus Mum has started displaying some strange

behavior. She keeps darting around in circles trying to knock to babies around. It looks like she

might be trying to eat them, but doesn't actually do it. Like she lunges at them as if to eat them

but doesn't.

Any advice on what this is?


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I managed to move them, i syphoned the fry to the other side, the Mum was more than happy to leave,

she actually swam into the net lol.

Ive started giving the fry brine shrimp, and they seem to eating some of it. Im guessing the male might

get uptight soon, so hopefully the fry will be fully keen on the brine by that stage.

Im doing 2x 25% water changes per day, should i be doing more than that with the brine shrimp in the tank?

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Yes definately getting annoyed with the fry feeding off her sides

As they get bigger they tend to be more aggressive at feeding time

You should of been supplementing with brine shrimp at about day 7 or 8

Sounds like you have done the right thing by removing her

You want to make sure they get at least 3 real good feedings a day,5 or 6 is even better but more water changes

I would be introducing some ox heart now as well,they will start nibbling at that very shortly

best of luck

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All the time! But we have moved her now.

The fry are eating the brine shrimp, there tummies are bulging lol

One of my Mums gets very frantic when the fry start spending time away from her (or her partners) sides. She charges at them, often clicking her jaws, and on her side. This usually happens first thing in the morning when there is just enough light to see, and the fry have not yet returned to the parents. She is fine with the fry being on Dad, just not swimming around the tank by themselves.

In your case, using a divider will artificially create the same issue, ie Mum can see the fry but can't get to them, as they swim between the two sides created by the divider. Hence the reason it occurs anytime of the day.

A Discus parent that is irritated by the fry feeding off them (unlikely at only 11 days old) will swim away from the fry, not towards them. And 11 day old fry would make a nutritious snack if she so wished.

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