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Breeding Locusts: Heating Requirements


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I am looking at getting a bearded dragon and breeding my own insects, and after a lot of research locusts seem like a lot better to breed than crickets.

I plan on getting large plastic containers for them, probably insulating them with polystyrene and using a 40/60W bulb during the day and a heat mat for heating all day/night (they need 28-32C apparently).

I haven't been able to find a lot of information about heating requirements, so I was wondering if you guys could provide me a bit of advice. Looking at the Australian Ebay, I'm able to get 7 or 20W heating pads for reasonable prices, I'm just wondering if those would be sufficient with the cold nights I'm getting down in ChCh (0-4C over night), assuming a get a good few inches of insulation outside of the plastic containers and the only heat loss would be through the ventilation holes?

If I'm on the wrong track, how do you guys breed crickets/locusts on a budget? (Can't really afford a second thermostat at this stage, if I can get away with it...)

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