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Gold algae eater problem


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Hi i recently added a pair of gold algae eater to my tank in the weekend and now one has died today and the other one is lying on the bottom of the tank slowly moving around nearly just resting in one spot.

My tank reading were

PH 5.2 a sudden drop from 6.8

Amonia less than .02ppm

I have raised my PH to around 6.6 and done a 20% water change

Any ideas on why my Gold algae eater isn't doing to well or know what could be my problem

NB my other fish are doing fine

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Ok i see now

Not sure what caused the sudden pH drop a couple of days after adding the fish however I do seem to be using the pH up more than the down since i started my tank.

I raised the overnight and then this afternoon I saw that the pH has dropped again quite low.

So i brought some bags of white rocks which was told by the fish shop that it raises the KH and pH levels and conditions of the water hardness will dissolve in and correct the hardness and ph when i went to buy some Seachem Neutral

Anybody know the name of the white rocks/treatment is?

So im giving that a go

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