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raw eat for dog die


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If there are risks and benefits of going for a raw diet, but it needs to include more than just meat (thus the green tripe being an important aspect of it). We looked into it but decided to stick with high quality dry foods. A friend who is a vet nurse says she consistently sees more problems (of all natures) in older dogs that have been fed a mix of random foods as opposed to those fed exclusively on quality dry food.

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Most sibs have sensitive stomachs so it could take a while to get used to raw meat. I get chicken frames for my Husky. Also I buy pet mince from pet essentails. I cook up sme rice and just some mixed veges and when they have cooked take it off the heat and stir though the mince. Zara sometimes leaves the rice but the Lab deals to that later.

I also buy biscuits (can't remember what they are called now... I know it has gold in it) for greyhounds. They are pretty balanced and great for energetic dogs. They cost me $65 for 18kg and I get them from Creature comforts. Not sure if they are on the website.

Zara tends to go off her food in summer and then chow down in winter. Husky's don't need much food. Zara is perfect weight and she gets 2 cups of biscuits and 200grams of meat a night.

She also likes the black butch dog roll.

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