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computer help needed.. website won't load


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It's a DNS error. Does your modem/router have a dynamic DNS or a set DNS? Put it on dynamic and wait an hour. If it's not fixed after that call your ISP

http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ - Good website to check if it's you or everyone.

Nope, it resolves to the same IP for me, and the site loads fine here. :dunno:

edit: no point in doing this - just saw your ping test failed. Try the tracert below :roll:

If you are running IE try installing Firefox, or if you're running Firefox install Chrome. Just to see if the browser is the problem or not.

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Try traceroute too. If it's getting stopped somewhere that might tell you where.

Oops, "tracert fishpond.co.nz"

Yeah, try traceroute. In a command window, type tracert fishpond.co.nz [enter]

This will show all the hops (different routers it has to pass thru to get to the web server) and might show why your pings went nowhere.

If it only gets to the first hop, that'll mean your ADSL router is the problem, or possibly windows firewall or similar

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The site is down from here as well (same error page)

The trace is normal, the data gets all the way to the US and then looks like it is dropped in the data centre (this is normal-ish)

Edit: it is also not uncommon for servers not to reply to ping. This make it harder to sort this sort of problem out :(

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uh-huh, ok .,

Maybe I BROKE the site :slfg:

seems strange that I was having problems all week before anyone else and now it's down for everyone.

Well i will just wait and see what happens now.

So do you think my router is OK , working normally. ?

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It is working from here ok and the trace is much the same as the one you posted:

[email protected]:~>/usr/sbin/traceroute fishpond.co.nz

traceroute to fishpond.co.nz (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets using UDP                                                                                               

 1 (  0.741 ms   0.582 ms   0.568 ms                                                                                                                      

 2 (  44.883 ms   44.935 ms   44.371 ms                                                                                              

 3 (  44.760 ms   45.690 ms   44.973 ms                                                                                             

 4  111-69-27-65.core.snap.net.nz (  45.287 ms   46.228 ms   45.501 ms                                                                                                

 5 (  44.972 ms   45.146 ms   44.514 ms                                                                                                             

 6  unknown.net.reach.com (  170.647 ms   170.356 ms   169.678 ms                                                                                                   

 7  i-2-6.tlot03.bi.reach.com (  170.034 ms   171.162 ms   170.442 ms                                                                                               

 8  qwest-peer.tlot03.pr.reach.com (  244.140 ms   244.816 ms   244.916 ms                                                                                           

 9  dca-edge-18.inet.qwest.net (  253.820 ms   253.678 ms   253.751 ms                                                                                                  

10 (  250.583 ms   249.493 ms   250.881 ms                                                                                                          

11 (  270.274 ms (  267.033 ms (  268.543 ms                                                  

12 (  255.009 ms (  253.501 ms (  254.069 ms                                                  

13 (  251.979 ms (  252.451 ms (  251.769 ms                                            

14 (  255.061 ms * *                                                                                                                              

15 (  255.656 ms * *                                                                                                                              

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[email protected]:~>

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