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To nudibranch or not to nudibranch...


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Hi guys :wave:

I've been battling with copious amounts of hair algae lately. Nothing I do seems to work - algea X, algeafix, SAT, turning off the light ect.

Another odd thing seems to be that the algae doesn't rely on phosphates.

My water quality has always been perfect.

One thing that has worked is the introduction of a jewel rock goby, but there is far to much for him to consume.

So I was thinking... of introducing sea hares. About 5 in my 130L tank.

Also, I don’t have a huge aptasia problem, but I was also considering adding in some Berghia nudibranchs which apparently demolish the little pest.

Does anyone know where firstly if this is a good idea?! I know many nudibranch consume corals and stuff and I haven't found any internet data suggesting these guys eat any corals. I have leathers, mushrooms, bubbles, polyps and lettuce.

And secondly does anyone know where I'd be able to find these guys?

If anyone has had any experience with these 2 species it would be great for some advice!


Danny :D

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My Sea Bunnies disappeared - don't know if it was the anemone that got them, or if they got munched by the stream. I don't think they made a marked difference to the algae. I got them a few summers ago from someone up north who had some wild caught ones.

I do not know if you can get Berghia here, but someone else may know.

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That was me :), haven't seen any this year up here, they sort of show up in numbers at certain times, but not this year.

They like cyno and detritus more than hair algae. You really need to look at what you are adding in the way of food and additives compared to what you are removing via skimmers/live rock etc. To have the amount of algae issues you have tends to suggest you are feeding too much, adding water with high nutrient (tap water??) or your skimmer/liverock isn't up to the job.

The seahares we have had available do not eat apitasia, and i dont think anyone is bringing in trop ones?

Have a good look at what you are adding, hair algae needs excess nutrients to thrive. You say you water is perfect?, maybe because the hair algae is consuming all your phosphates before you test for them, also, whats your nitrate level, nitarte is a great plant food.

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