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5 and 6 bar trets/lamps


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Sorry about the spelling

I know there were some of these guys brought in about 3-5 years ago up north and Craig and Shelly had some along with some Furcifer

HFF brought some in a month or so ago.

Just wondering if those who brought them in any of the 3 or more importantions have had any luck with these great little guys and if they would care to post or PM


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wow did Furcifer come in? love them ae

do you know how many of those came in?

They came in many many moons ago (before the import list got smashed) and died out a few less moons than that without being bred :(

I would also like to know if anyone has any 5/6 bar trets kicking around would be a shame if we have lost them in the country as well :(

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