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otos keep getting stuck on filter intake pipe


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I'm up to my third oto that has got stuck on the filter pipe. He's not looking great and will probably go the way of the other two.

It's really strange as I've had the tank set up for 18 months but it's only been in the last 4 months this has happened. I don't know why they are getting stuck, they behave normally and Don't appear weakened beforehand.

I'm not sure what to do .. mesh would only stop fry going up but not slow down the strength of the current - is that correct?

I'm concerned about adding any more otos even though I love them so much , I don't want my filter to end up killing them all. But I have two more oto in the tank and they could probably do with a couple more friends.

The filter is the standard one that comes with an AR850 tank. Any ideas what I could do?

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With few exceptions, like intakes without any type of strainer, healthy fish do not get stuck to filter intakes. The actual current at the strainer is relatively small.

If you can get some coarse sponge, like used inside the filter, putting that over the intake would work well and not clog up quickly.

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hmmm I wonder what's going on then. They do appear healthy and fat. I sometimes see them grazing on the filter pipe which worries me. Mostly they swim away if they get close to the strainer... then one day I'll see them stuck to it with no prior warning that anything is wrong with them.

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hmmm I wonder what's going on then. They do appear healthy and fat. I sometimes see them grazing on the filter pipe which worries me. Mostly they swim away if they get close to the strainer... then one day I'll see them stuck to it with no prior warning that anything is wrong with them.

My money would be on them not being as healthy as they appear.

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what happens if you turn the filter off when they are stuck to it ?

by the time I find them, they have been damaged and usually swim in circles for a while before settling somewhere in the tank and eventually die. :(

This 3rd one has passed away too.

I just have one left .. Sharkey. He will be lonely but I'm not sure what to do. If I get more and there's something in the tank making my otos sick, that's not good.. or if it's the filter itself and curious oto cats run out of lives , that's not good either!

I might try the sponge thing though I've resisted that because I don't want to have to clean it every week! (It's in an awkward spot at back of tank that's deeper than my arm reach)

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Maybe they get their little suckermouths stuck in the holes and get worn out trying to pull free? It sounds rather dramatic doesn't it but that's the only thing I can think of. They are greedy little pigs after all. I have a piece of sponge that I can post to you, you can wrap it around and stick it there with a cable tie, it's porous enough to let stuff in but doesn't seem to get stuff sticking to it. If you look in my planted tank thread or the loach thread you will see the stuff I am meaning.

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Nope, it's the creamy coloured stuff on page 2 of the thread wrapped around the bottom of the eheim filter with a cable tie strapped round it.

It's not a fine sponge, quite coarse, you can just see through to the other side in places but you'd have to be trying to get through, only a very small fry could weedle their way through it. I got it from Para Rubber, they said it was aquarium filter sponge and shaved it off a block, the piece I have is about 6mm thick - if you tell me the rough circumference of the inlet hose and how long it needs to be I can shove it in an envelope. Or you can come get it if you like, I'm still at same place. I can also take Sharkey back again if you like to keep my other one company but I think you are quite attached to those little guys :love:

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