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Unshedded acute parts help?


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Will have to wait for tomorrow then. He is sleeping now! :yaw2: pretty much the white stuff is the unshedded parts and no I do not have a heat lamp. Is it highly necessary? It's quote warm in thereand I see him basking frequently.

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i think it is a must have. can just use a desk lamp for smaller turtles.

use to beable to get clip on ones similar to this http://www.thewarehouse.co.nz/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/TWL-B2C-Site/en_NZ/-/NZD/ViewSearch-Dispatch?ResultSize=2&DefaultButton=SimpleSearch&SearchRange=Entire+Site&SearchString=desk+lamp&x=0&y=0

otherwise an exoterra fitting is ideal. 60-100watt spotlight from the supermarket $2-10. Or Bunnings have a good selection of bulbs.

the heat lamp basically encourages basking and dries their shell out good and proper. just like the sun does in nature. the turtles loooooove it.

other than eating there isnt much else for a turtle to do in a tank :D

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A lot of problems with shedding can be caused by them not being able to dry their shell out properly. This can be helped by having the top of the tank well ventilated and having a heat lamp for them to bask under. Many pet shops are pretty good at selling a turtle tank to people by puting a shelf in one designed for fish with the top sealed up rather than ventilated.

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sometimes can take a wee while, how long is he been like that for? I know for dragons and Leos you put them in some warm water and that helps the dry/dead skin fall off but for turtles would be difficult for they are in a warm climate already. Could try turning the temp up to 27? It wont hurt the turtle in any way even if it doesnt work. Also dont peel it, it can be tempting but it only causes more harm than good.

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Its a little hard to tell, but doesnt look like 'typical' unshed scutes to me. More like the thin, flakey scutes you get from some environmental issues. Does the UVB have a perspex cover on it? If so, remove it immediately and replace the bulb if older then 6mths. The heat lamp is a must as 'insect direct' said. It also needs to be next to the UVB so it stops the turtle looking directly up at the harmful UVB rays and getting longterm, permanent eye damage. DONT turn the water temp up, that will only make the scutes swell more and if not drying properly it will make the problem worse. The UVB needs to be 25cm-30cm distance from the turtle (No more then 30cm distance).

It could also be a bit fungal. Whats your water temp, cleaning regime, size of tank like? Also do you have lids on the tank? Glass lids cause humidity and condensation which can lead to shell and respiratory issues for the turtle. They also block the UVB rays getting through.

I would possibly give the whole carapace a good wipe with some betadine, leave him dry docked overnight, rinse the betadine off in the morning and pop him back in the tank. Then correct any environmental issues and leave him be. The next time he does a proper shed, that flakey stuff should peel off. If you are really concerned, you can use a soft toothbrush and some warm water and see if its loose enough to come off, but dont force it as you may do more harm then good. But I'm only going on what it looks like to me in the one photo, so its never that easy to tell completely whats going on.

Heres some examples of how you can set up a basking area. Personally I went through too many cheap lamps and bought some exo-tera clamp lamps which house a 75 or 100 watt 'globe bulb' and keep the basking areas around 30 deg C.




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It is kinda flakes of scutes. Will turn temp back down now :P

No perspex cover removed it already

Replaced UVB about 1 or 2 months ago so should be fine

There is some lids will remove now.

Cleaning 40% 2x weekly

Tank is 200L and at 25C once temp is turned back down

Where do you get betadine? And can you give me some instructions on how to dry dock? He is very active and will not stay still in a box all night :P

How can I tell sign of fungus? He is very active and splashes when im near. Shell isnt soft or no soft bits, so not likely shell rot.

Will get some full body shots without flash tomorrow.

Have forgotten about photos. Its on my calendar for tomorrow.

Will go and look for a heat lamp next time when im out.

Can I use a lamp like this?


Im worried about him splashing water onto the light and it breaking. UVB light is about 20cm away.

Will post some pics of a full tank set up and light ect.


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How many litres of water in the tank? I only do once week water change....does it need 2?

Dont worry about betadine and dry docking for now...get the lights sorted and give it a bit of time and wait and see. I've had a couple like that recently and it improves over a few weeks with environment corrected. Any loose stuff may well come off with the toothbrush. :thup:

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