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First big display tank! (Pic heavy) Advice?


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Hi all :D

So I'm still fairly new at this, and so far I've only had a few nano tanks, and a 2ft tank. Yesterday i took the plunge and brought my first proper display tank and got a great deal. It's an AR830 so only 160 odd L, but still much bigger than anything I've had.

I was thinking I'd use silica sand as I've already got a big bag lying around, but now I'm thinking a fine darkish pebble would be nicer?

I'm going for a natural look with lots of driftwood, and a decent array of plants.

I like the idea of having a few really nice fish and then a large school of smaller fish. I also want fish on all 3 levels.

Ok so here's my "dream team" for stocking. Obviously wouldnt add them all at once and would make sure tanks fully cycled first.

2 Blue Ram

2 Bolivian Ram

2 Agassizi

20-30 Neon Tetra (however many I can have)

2 L140 (big band tiger plec)

and 6 or so Sterbai corys

Is this too much? Will they go well? Am I dreaming? I've tried researching but It's always nice to get opinions :spop:

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Less cichlids. Or maybe have one male to a harem of females? Ask someone who knows their cichlids on here. Hatchet fish are cool, maybe whiptail cats?

Darker substrate is nicer IMO, el natural look is a winner too. I hate fake plants etc, too tacky. If you go to HFF albany they have a tank similar to what you have I think all set up, could inspire you?

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At a glance I'd worry that'd be too much fish and, as Fruju mentioned, too many cichlids. But you could start small and re-asses the situation as time goes on, (say, once you've got 10 neons, 2 rams and the cories?).

Otherwise it looks like you've picked some pretty fish, (though I'm not usually a neon fan), and perhaps you could look at some killies for the top layer if you cut a few of the other fishies out?

Darker substrate is supposed to help bring out brighter colours in fish, I think.

I look forward to seeing this tank! 8)

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My L140 look nice on dark sandy stuff. But you know you're going to end up with other plecs :lol:

I'd replace the neons for another tetra. And less cichlids. And maybe not sterbais.

Whiptails are awesome. The red ones are pretty mint. Saw a 20cmish royal today also. He was cool.


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My L140 look nice on dark sandy stuff. But you know you're going to end up with other plecs :lol:

I'd replace the neons for another tetra. And less cichlids. And maybe not sterbais.

Whiptails are awesome. The red ones are pretty mint. Saw a 20cmish royal today also. He was cool.


hahahah my male is 25 ish :sml2: , and come see me again if you want, i have some fancy cories :) give you some ideas

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Thanks all :D unfortunately I'm having to compromise with my mum on this so some fish are out of the question and others I have to have :facepalm:

I'll add all the cichlids one by one and see how they go. I would have liked some gourami but *sigh* mum doesnt like them.

I don't want any plecs that are tooo big because big plecs equal big poop :slfg:

Sounds like I'm going for dark substrate also :lol:

Mostly i just want as many bright colours and patterns as I can squeeze in (hence the sterbais ;))

Any suggestions for replacements for the cichlids are welcome :spop:

Also mum wants the neons but I'm hoping to at least get cardinals or penguins ;)

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Congo tetras? Oh yeah! African butterfly fish are super cool.

Oh they're gorgeous!! I'll look into them :D

Edit: Congo tetras may be a bit too big for what I'm looking at because I don't want to over-stock, but I may have to get some to add to my 2ft :love:

The African butterfly fish although cool, may be a bit too odd for my mums liking haha

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