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Cloudy tank due to new sand


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I'm setting up another tank and rather than using silica sand decided to give building sand a go for a change in colour. Got a fine sand from mega10 but after a few days the water is still pretty cloudy. I washed the sand religously before putting it in the tank and have doesd it with clarity when I saw that it's made little progress. Have it being filtered by a 2213.

Is it just a matter of completely changing the water (there's obviously no fish) until it comes right or is it just cheap product cheap result lol

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I have no idea whether this will help or not, but how about keeping your water still for a while, no movement from filters and so on so that everything can settle and then starting the recycling process once everything is settles :wink:

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I have no idea whether this will help or not, but how about keeping your water still for a while, no movement from filters and so on so that everything can settle and then starting the recycling process once everything is settles :wink:

yeah i didn't run the filter for a good 24hours as i had to replace the impeller shaft (bloody 2213's lol) but unfortunately saw no difference aye

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I wouldn't bother with the products just keep changing the water until it clears, you can also stuff your filter full of filter wool so that it will filter out the smaller particles..

sweet i thought that may have been the case so will just keep doing that. haha part of me was thinking that's what you get for spending $8 on a bag of sand :facepalm:

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Sand is terrible for doing it I have had it happen in most of my tanks regardless of how many times it has been washed, but the filter wool usually picks it up eventually.

yeah never had a problem with my silica sand but as this sand isn't exactly top grade lol so will keep just doing near 100% water changes and fingers crossed should be sweet soon. Hoping to get it cycled with stability and prime this week and start chuck some neons in to test the water next week.

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I have the same problem with my sand, a couple of near 100% water changes do the trick for me :D

After putting the new water in, just mix it up and let it settle again for at least a few hours before the next water change.

yeah just a full water change and its already looking a lot better :D so should be good getting it set up and ready for fish by the end of the week

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with my 1080L tank doing water changes was out of the question for me, and i have very fine sand (very fine particles in the water) and added "sera" pond clearer, i saw a difference in two days and it was cleared within four days. The stuff you added doesn't clear the water it just makes the particles bigger so they can get caught in the filter.

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