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Problem with Tiger Barb


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Hi all,

Have just got back from being in Auckland for a week and one of my Tiger Barbs has a problem. Sorry about quality of picture, but it looks as though it has been beaten up and chewed a bit. I've got it seperated into a tank by itself but wouldn't know the best course of treatment. I've only ever had to treat ich before.

Help please



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v288/ ... C-023F.jpg

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Robbie, keep the tank unlit and clean,also use a small treatment of methylene blue to stop any fungal attacks.

If you have live food, use that, it is there when the barb feels hungry and will not decay if it isn't.

If it has only been beaten up it should recover with this treatment.

When replacing it in the tank, just before lights out, feed the aquarium first, let them eat, add the fish, then dim the lights.

Make sure you keep your eyes open for any more bullying and remove culprit.

Alan 104

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