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Bloating, consitipation and dropsy


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pretty much all have the same look to them and symptoms. I have been researching as one of our blue dwarf gouramis really isn't looking to flash. Tested the water and all the parameters are fine and dandy. We had a sick platy a few days ago but symptoms and looks are completely different (said platy was taken in the rapture). How do you know what to treat for when consitipation and bloat due to other issues look the same? &c:ry

I am ok with losing the odd platy as they are pretty cheap and live bearers. Not ok with losing a gourami that cost me $25 though.

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The problem with living so far from town is that I can't just pop into wet pets and ask how to fix them. We have 5 gourami all up (soon to be 4 I feel) - I figure we can treat for consitpation tonight (how do you spell that? My firefox updated and stole my spell check option) as I have peas at home.

We don't have a isolation tank either which is a bummer - I am in the process of organising one.

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